Twice this month! I go to make coffee and remember, I should have gone to the coffee shop yesterday. I might have made a bit more noise then usual, Ray "just happened" to wake up earlier then he normally would on a day off. My evil plan is working. Lets go out for coffee this morning, and oh, by the way, grab the cameras and binoculars. Hee hee...
Some things should never be wasted. When the stars all align (stars?) and the day is beautiful, the weather is balmy (at least for February) and you have some coin in your pocket, something must be done. Last time we were at Mukilteo public beach it had just been transferred from the state to the city. It was in the middle of construction and we thought the simple beauty of the park would be lost. Happily, we were very wrong. The city of Mukilteo has done a nice job of updating the park while keeping the feel of the beach that I spent many happy days at as a child having lunch with my mom, her sister and aunts, cousins and my gram'ma. I took my own sons there for picnics and play days. Today it was just Ray, Rudy and me, walking on the beach, looking for birds. Strangely, there were not many.
A short list
- California Seagulls
- Cormorants
- Pigeons
- 1 Common Loon
- 4 Western Grebes
- Flocks of Barrows Goldeneyes
To everything there is a season. It is still the season of rest, but I want summer to hurry. We did not walk far. It is, after all, still a late winter morning. Ray and I brought everything but coats. Walking was not enough to keep us warm. Back to the truck we went to finish our coffee and to plan our day. Groceries, pick up Jason, plan a weekend dinner, pray for friends, for family, for the spring yet to come.
God is Good. And at least for today, life is sweet. And there is coffee in the jar.
What a great day for you.
ReplyDeleteIt is soooo windy here today. I thought of you when I saw about 5 birds trying to fly. They were flapping their wings like crazy and seemed to be staying still. Poor things were probably so warn out.
I'll be glad when our wind calm down.
Rudy is going to get very spoiled getting to go on all these adventures with you.