Ray and I had planned a camping trip to Turlo in Robe Valley (above Granite Falls). We had hoped to invite my parents whom we had wanted to spend time with. I am the world's WORST phone person. I HATE making phone calls. They make me feel stuck. I don't even like to answer the phone. I have to resist thinking, "there goes 40 minutes of my work day." That will put me seriously behind. It isn't actually true and the people who call are usually people I love (someone else loves sales people) (RANT over). I had put off calling my folks about camping. Two days before we would have left the suburban started acting up. We are still waiting for parts. It is easy to feel stress when your plans start to unravel.
I have learned a secret. Actually it is a well publicized bit of wisdom. "Thank Elohim in ALL things and for ALL things" A series of spring storms has been rolling through the Pacific Northwest, dumping up to two feet of snow in the Cascades. I am so happy to be at home. It is only 39 degrees at 8:30 AM and we are on alert for hail, but there is no snow! If the truck had been running we would be stuck in the snow in a campground without electricity. If we had not thought to take a moment to honestly thank Elohim for our circumstance and what was going on in the unseen world, we would have completely missed His hand in our life.There is a cover over the SFG, a cover over the deck that Jason and I put up yesterday (mostly Jason put it up) and electricity! The strawberries have all shot out new leaves, the fruit trees are budding (there is life in those sticks!) and the garden is starting to look like a garden instead of a box of dirt. Yeah! The elements for the next box are in neat piles of hardware and lumber in the garage waiting for Ray to have a day off. In nicely stacked plastic bags are the raw material for filling the box with soil, waiting for a day when the garden frame is complete and the weather is nice. Until then, the tomatoes are in the window and the seeds are at the ready. I brought the tomatoes inside because the little things were getting a tad yellow even though they were not getting leggy on the deck. Even bringing them in at night and not taking them out unless it was 40 degrees or better, it was still too chilly without a cold frame. I am suddenly missing my collection of windows that I kept in Robe Valley.
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