Hidcote Lavender and Thyme in the herb garden.
We had fish tacos for dinner last night. Doesn't that sound boring? I have ordered fish tacos a few times and been disappointed almost without exception. The very first one I ever ordered was made with a thick slice of fresh mahi-mahi and was interesting. Ray actually loves good fish tacos but agrees that too many of them are made with less then fresh fish (what else is a chef to do with leftover fish except slather it in heat and hope we do not notice the after taste?). Dinner last night was from the Cookus Interuptus blog (link on sidebar of blog or you can link to my variation without the video at http://musicofrain.wordpress.com/2010/05/29/fish-tacos-with-creamy-cilantro-sauce/).
I believe I will start making my own fish tacos from now on! The fish is marinated and broiled instead of fried. That alone is a huge improvement! With the exception of cabbage (why didn't I put that in my garden??) the vegetables came from my Toy Box (link on sidebar of blog) or from the Snohomish farmers market. It is almost empowering to run to the toy box instead of the grocery. I snipped cilantro and large lettuce leaves and snatched a couple of carrots. The carrots could have used a few more days in the ground but I didn't care, they were from my garden and still had better taste than bag carrots. At the farmers market I bought a bunch of Walla Walla Sweet Onion thinnings. A small purple cabbage completed the veggie mix for the tacos. We had a feast!

Ray and Jason hiked somewhere on Snoqualmie. Every time they invite me and Rudy to come I tend to pass because; A) I have an incredible amount of school work to do and B) when they say they are hiking a trail to some Geo-Cache I always think they mean they are hiking on the Granite Falls side of the Mountain Loop Hwy. Since I have done most of those hikes, I reason to myself that I should get my school work done. But they keep coming home from somewhere else. Drat! Why didn't I go? The kids were not doing much work yesterday anyway (not that I would have known that when the guys left). I have got to get into the habit of saying, "Where are you going?" And when they give me some red-neck answer like, "To the ape cache" I should find out where the trail is, not the name of the cache. Ape cache sounds like it will be found in red-neck central (a.k.a. Robe Valley).

Ray and Bomber at the Ape Cache. Bomber LOVES to hunt and has picked up that Ray and Jason are hunting when they Geo-Cache. He is good at finding them. I think he may just know the scent of some of Jason's Geo buddies. He still surprises me. Geo-caching with Chris on Whidbey Island he found what we were looking for. The hint was something about checking the rock. The trail was covered with stones. The guys were busy turning them over. Bomber was interested in one he found trail side. When he flipped it with his paw Chris saw that it was one of those fake rocks for hiding keys, or in this case, a micro cache. Clever boy!
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