Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More Vacation--Jardin du Soleil in Sequim

Maybe it was the scent of the lavender that calmed our spirits. Maybe it was exhausted acceptance of our Honda. We were just a little calmer by the time we started walking through the lavender fields of Sequim. So much overwhelming beauty. Chris came to family camp with us. He had to get back to work before Sequim. Jason hoped to paddle Sequim Bay with his dad but it was so cold and we were so down about the car that we walked all over the place but did not get the boats into the water.
Jason and me at J du S. He didn't even make fun of us for loving the Lavender. I think he would have rather put paddles in the water, but there were a few geo-caches to find with his dad. That helped.
Jason across the field.
Do you see what I saw?
One of the many sample gardens. Always before there has been brilliant blue sky, even in the early part of the day, but not this year. The rain held off but the gloom of gray skies and fog wrapped itself around us. The nice thing is that I get heat sick easily, that was not an issue this year.
My Ray (should I get cheesy and say ....of sunshine?)
I never noticed that the shop was gray. It blends right into the sky.


  1. Close your eyes Joy, hold a fresh tin of lavender buds under your nose and pull the air in long and slow. For just a moment you will be there.
