Friday, February 13, 2009

The Day After

Did you remember that yesterday was Lincoln's Birthday? 200 years ago yesterday, the man who paid a huge price to finally set in motion events that would lead to the affirmation that all men are created equal, was born.

I think you are supposed to plant your peas on Lincoln's birthday. In the valley it was always too cold and usually too much snow to plant. (not for the peas, for me) I did not get peas planted yesterday, so today, since I have to go north to pick up Jason and take him shopping, I am going to stop somewhere and get dwarf shelling peas and sweet peas to plant in pots, just so I can say that I did plant some almost on time.

Rudy went for his first walk on a leash this morning. He was so restless when I was studying. I took him out and then fed him which usually makes him sleepy. Not today. So we played with a mini-tennis ball I bought, play usually makes him sleepy. Not today. His chew toy kept him busy for about five minutes, then he was back looking for trouble. He has not liked the leash so far (who would?) but he follows me so well, and I had some time, so we tried it again. As long as there was no tugging (that frightens him) he did good. He follows me everywhere so I got him following me in the house then just stepped out the door. Mostly he just walked along with me. Yea! All the way down the street to the mail box and back without whining to be picked up!

Got home and finished my day one study of Mark 3:1-6!

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