Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Psalm 102

 Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come, why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home... 

Psalm 102 is a about the long journey of Israel following an unseen God. But the threads that weave the tapestry of Israel are individuals who long to know God while living in the realm of "the Prince of the power of the air" (Eph 2:2). I am focusing on one verse, 
Psalm 102:23a "He has weakened my strength in The Way..." 
At first I thought this would be about faithfully walking The Way and how lonely this path can be. But as I kept asking the Almighty to open the eyes of my heart (Eph 1:18-21) the more I began to focus on Strength instead of The Way. 

Strength here is not 'oz, but the Hebrew word KO'-AKH which has to do with our vigor and the ability to continue at something (in Ps 102:23a it is to continue on The Way). The singer complains that it was God Himself who weakened him. Why? Romans 8:31 boldly proclaims "if God is for us, who can be against us?" It isn't personal strength He supports.

Why is a believers life compared to a path? Why must we trudge forward when we hardly have strength to take a single step? Moses said... "You shall remember all The Way which YHVH has led you... to humble you, to know what is in your heart, whether you would keep his instructions or not." Deut 8:2 ...what is in your heart... ?

A fool looks into her (his) heart and knows that God is not there (Ps 14:1) but what is Moses asking in Deut 8:2? The primary question would be "is He there? Have you been born again" First you need Salvation! But maybe you say that you have invited him into your heart and there has been no change in your life. This is a different problem, one of trust. In Hebrews, the encouragement is to keep your eyes on Jesus (Heb 12:1-2) I bet you have talked to him about your trouble, but have you listened? Often I have to focus on Him to hear him. Otherwise all I see is my trouble, and it tends to fill all my senses.

God keeps His own on the path BUT it is not our strength but His we walk in. ...not by my strength but by His Spirit (Zech 4:6 + Is 40:28-31) It isn't those who help themselves, but we who realize that we are helpless whom He helps. Tell him you are helpless & need HIS strength! Put your gaze on Him, not the problem.
Debs in Everett, Washington, December 12, 2017... praying for those who feel helpless this holiday season.

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