Friday, December 8, 2017

Psalm 71

 Where did the Pharisees go wrong? How could men be so dedicated to their religion stray so far from the Almighty? Psalm 71 gives me a clue. As I understand the Pharisees, they were all about maintaining their righteousness. What does David say in Psalm 71?

71:2 in THY RIGHTEOUSNESS... The LORD who is my refuge, my safe place, delivers me in HIS righteousness. It isn't about me or how good I am. It is about me in HIM.

71:15 my mouth shall tell of THY RIGHTEOUSNESS... where is my hope, what do I brag about (praise)? David's hope and praise was The LORD. If anyone ever had a reason on earth to brag a little about himself, David did, but he was a man, and like the rest of us, personal righteousness could not blot out his sin.

71:16 I will make mention of THY RIGHTEOUSNESS, Thine alone.

71:19 THY RIGHTEOUSNESS reaches to the heavens... in contrast, David makes a strong statement about his own righteousness in 71:20 where he testifies that the best his righteousness can offer is the depths of the earth from where God brings us to Himself.

How far will good deeds or hard work get us? Six feet under, the depths of the earth. No matter who you are, you sin and fall short of the glory (the manifestation of God's deity) of God. He cannot be near sin (me and you). His love for us caused Him to send His beloved Son to pay the penalty of our sin, the death of the righteous. My death is the cost of sin, my eternity will be eternal death if not for the gift of Y'shua. He never sinned, that is how he can pay for my sin AND why God could righteously resurrect him from death for my sin and give me eternal life IN Him.

David's final word on the subject; 
71:24 MY tongue will utter THY RIGHTEOUSNESS all day long...
Debs in Everett, Washington 

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