Monday, December 11, 2017

Psalm 101

 ...choose for yourselves today whom you will serve... But as for me and my house, we will serve YHVH. Joshua 24:15 
I will sing of lovingkindness (grace) and justice, to Thee O YHVH (LORD) I will sing praises. #Psalm 101:1
I love the pretty words of the valiant warrior, King David. These are the phrases that are easy to file away in the memory box of my heart. When shared with other believers they provide an almost patriotic feel for the Kingdom of Heaven. It isn't until the first shots of the enemy go hissing past my ear that the realization that they are not just pretty words snaps to the center of my soul. We are in a war with powerful and wicked beings whose food is hate. 

"You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you then He who is in the world. 1John 4:4
The call of the warrior is to hold the line, to stand firm against the unseen enemy. The bulk of Psalm 101 is a list of what that will look like, given in a series of "I will... " statements. Of first importance is to pay close attention to The Way. The physical instructions of Torah that can only be accomplished by the Life of the Son of God in your heart.
101:1 Give heed to the blameless Way.
How? Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the Word of Truth. 2Timothy 2:15

101:2 walk (live) with integrity in the privacy of my own home.101:3 protect my eyes from visual evil101:4 not participate in what is evil101:5 destroy those who slander my neighbors 
The voice seems to change from that of King David to the Almighty at verse 101:6 with statements of a warriors reward.

101:6 His eyes are on you (He never leaves us Matt 28:20)101:8 He will daily destroy the wicked of the land 
But be careful how you live. 101:7 Speaking falsehood or decite will cause you to destroy yourself before the God of Truth (John 8:44)
Knowing myself, how is this life possible? Y'shua- Jesus Himself said, "...with God all things are possible." Stand firm dear warrior!
Debs in Everett, Washington

1 comment:

  1. climbing over the fence can be tough. the decision to go all in must be made are you can get stuck on the top, especially when the first salvo goes wissin by. when choosing to walk on the path and not follow "traditional" religion the fence can be formidable. Hop on over to the path and find the freedom in Christ.
